Oral submission on the NZ Marriage Definition Bill

04/04/2013 21:27

This is the content of the presentation I made in person to the Select Committee.


Madame Chairman and committee members,

5 minutes is a very short time to treat in any depth such an important and fundamental topic. I struggle to think of a more important social topic than this one.

I make no apology for anything I have said in my submission or will say here today. The truth in any absolute sense (the kind raised automatically by the introduction of this bill) is extreme. The truth is not found in the middle ground of public opinion.  (where politicians love to dwell)

I have said that this bill is evil- I believe it would be impossible to overstate the extent of that evil. Evil does not come out of some black hole in the ground. No, evil is the corruption and subversion of good. This is the heart and the purpose of this Bill.

This bill is a direct result of the outworking of the Human Rights concept. In particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - a more socially destructive and subversive mechanism this world has never seen. It emerged 64 years ago from that world body co-founded by Joseph Stalin (a man credited with killing more people than Adolf Hitler did. A more apt working meaning for the letters U.N would in my opinion be “Ultimately Nasty”). Jesus said “either make the tree good and its fruit good or make the tree evil and its fruit evil for you cannot get good fruit from an evil tree”. This Bill is the fruit from that evil Human Rights tree.

This bill if passed will effectively destroy marriage. A population can have a water supply- reservoirs, pipes etc; but if a sewer pipe is connected directly into the fresh water main of that water supply then that population has no fresh water supply. Discrimination is not just desirable it is absolutely vital! That is because nothing is in fact equal as the human right ideology asserts. It is inequality which gives shape and colour and order and purpose to creation. You can have a heterosexual society or a homosexual society, you cannot have both. If this bill passes then in a very real sense we will have a homosexual society.

If successful this Bill would also shred the remnants of the elemental fabric of our society. The most fundamental element of society is not the people but is rather this: a shared belief in what is sacred and what is profane. Marriage is the most sacred institution we share as a society. This Bill seeks to profane that institution. Those who remain resistant to the redefinition of marriage and who continue to speak out against this evil thing, will themselves be labeled evil and their beliefs also, notwithstanding that our society was largely founded on those same beliefs. Hate speech legislation must follow to enforce those new beliefs.

Homosexuality is not some fixed state in a society. The only things which prevent, over time, a whole society being given over to homosexual conduct are:

The repugnance of it, which is a natural outcome of being brought up in a heterosexual society; legal and moral proscription (in other words, thou shalt not) and spiritual condemnation of homosexual conduct

What we are witnessing in Whangarei, on a personal level and among a wide group of friends and acquaintances is a growing flood of young people identifying themselves as homosexual. This is unprecedented in our society and very worrying, but confirms absolutely what I am saying and also confirms the wrongness of the path our society is following.

What a society allows is what a society becomes.

This bill if passed invites the judgment of the God who made us all and created marriage to be a sacred and honorable state. He has made His mind and judgment on homosexual conduct known unequivocally in His word.  That judgment will not be long in coming. 

Those who live on shaky isles should not thumb their noses at God.