The Evil of Racism

04/11/2012 18:19


The 2001 UN conference on racism in Durban S.A., at which there was a walk out by the Israelis and Americans, opened with the question “Is ‘racism’ a valid concept?” This question was never answered. Instead people came forward and delivered personal stories of how they had been harmed by ‘racism’ thereby putting flesh on the concept. However there is a serious logical flaw here. It’s like saying , “The concept of racism is valid because racism exists”.

Racism is first and foremost a concept. A concept which I believe has no validity. That is not to say that people don’t suffer bad things because of race, but those things need to be called for what they are, whether fear or hatred or war or slavery or murder or genocide or ethnic whatever. The concept of racism is based on an ideology. Without the ideology the concept would not exist.

What is an ideology?

Ideology was identified and the word invented, interestingly, by Karl Marx, around 1850. The word describes the foundational idea on which a society or group is based - i.e. an idea rather than a spiritual or religious belief system. Ideologies tend to be aspirational (utopian) in that they explain the way reality ‘should ’  be. They are rational (non- supernatural) and empirical ( based only on observable, measureable evidence). They are at their core self referencing. This makes them very dangerous.

The concept of racism and the word was invented by another German, Magnus Hirschfeld who like Marx was Jewish. He was an avid Marxist who believed the Soviet Union to be near perfect. Dr. Hirschfeld worked to promote acceptance of deviant sexual practices (esp. homosexual) and ‘liberate’ people from ‘repressive’ attitudes brought about by religious belief. The use of racism in his book ‘Racism’ printed in 1933 was the first time the word appeared in print. The concept was important to Hirschfeld because he believed that humanity should not be divided into racial groupings but should be seen as one. He did not want to own his Jewishness. He rejected his racial identity. So he developed the concept of racism to promote a notion of racial equality in the face of the eugenic ideology of the Nazis.

 The link between words and concepts is an important one. There is no developed concept without a word to describe it. Prior to 1933 racism did not exist.

The destruction of six million Jews during the Holocaust, caused by another utopian regime, provided ‘unassailable’ evidence of ‘racism’ and became the lever to install a global ideology. This ideology is the foundation of the UN and the UDHR and is the basis of the concept of racism. I believe this ideology will prove nastier than Nazism. The UN, set up as the hope and salvation of the world, was co- founded by Joseph Stalin - a man eclipsing Adolf Hitler in murderous infamy, numerically at least.

 There are three other concepts sharing almost identical DNA with racism: sexism (1968) homophobia (1972) and now Islamaphobia (?) These concepts are based on the accepted ‘rightness’ of the concept of racism. These  false, destructive concepts are built upon an ideology which is founded on a lie - ‘equality’.  This is the lie expressed as a ‘truth’ in the American Declaration of Independence, 1776 : “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights….”      This is the real heart of this issue.      All men are not created. Only one man was created, from him the woman was formed and from them, by a process of procreation all the rest of humanity descend. We are all born, but we are not born equal; equally human of course, but not equal in status or rights. This notion of ‘equality’ is an ideological and aspirational one which describes the way things ‘should’ be. Hence the progressive nature of  the push for the universal acceptance of  Human Rights.

Any ideology, concept or law which makes God an offender is evil at its core. The concepts of racism, sexism, homophobia and Islamaphobia all make God a principal offender. If God has chosen one people (the Jews) from all the tribes of the earth and elevated them above all others and given them His one true religion (via Moses) then by the ideology which gives us the concept of racism, God must be a racist!

The concept needs to be rejected forthwith and with it the ideology from which it springs. It is evil.